An interview with Antonio exploring why humans are drawn to the spirit world, how to investigate the supernatural, and what he learned through his more than 30 years of investigations into real ghost encounters.

#1. What do you think people are really looking for (besides spirits) when
they go out ghost hunting?
Evidence of the after-life and the age old human quest to find meaning and purpose
in our mortal existence. Some investigators are more specific in their search by
hoping to reconnect with loved ones through voice, touch, specific familiar scents or
the ultimate goal of a visual manifestation. What generally takes place during these
investigations is not an intended outcome but rather a hodge podge of all the above
or none at all. It’s not necessarily the direction that is sought but rather what is to
be gained by the entity(s). Many factors dictate the outcome. One must keep in
mind that such investigations are prone to variable consequences, both positive
and negative. Much depends on the individual investigators attitude, knowledge
and ulterior motives.
#2. What should someone do, how should they behave, if they encounter a
It is a time honored practice to remain still, silent and observe what is taking place
before you. Care and reverence are important when encountering an entity from
the after life as an observe. You do not know to what degree the entity being ob-
served has undergone spiritual developments on the other side or what path he or
she has taken to reach spiritual perfection. Remember stepping within the dimension of the spiritual that all preconceived expectations are challenged. Above all, keep unabridged excitement to a minimum and avoid speaking disrespectful language.
#3. Is the hunt for and interest in ghosts innately spiritual in your eyes?
First off, let me be very clear, that I do not regard myself as a “ghosthunter” or
“ghostbuster”. I find this terminology offensive and highly disrespectful towards our
ancestors. Spirts are not to be hunted as prey animals. Secondly, I find no fault in individuals having a sincere interest in gaining knowledge about the after-life. People need to be informed in order to heal from all manner of depression, unfinished work and reconnect with departed loved ones, both human
and animal.
#4. Why do you think spirits stick around? Do they have a choice?
Yes, I do believe they have a choice, and that choice was made when they were
alive. Dependent upon how they lived their lives, either positive or negative. If they lived a positive life there is no need for them to remain in a stagnant form of spiritual existence, repeating the same mistakes over and over, unless they have a positive message to impart to the living. Conversely, the negative entities thrive on human misery, pain, fear and negativity, jumping at any opportunity to inflict these upon the living.
#5. Why do you think people are, and have always been, so fascinated by ghost
Evidence of the after-life and the age old human quest to find meaning and purpose in
our mortal existence. Along with the hope of reconnecting with loved ones through
voice, touch, specific familiar scents or the ultimate goal of a visual manifestation.
#6. Do you think that some ghost stories are fundamental and/or reflective of
cultural traditions?
Absolutely. Every culture on earth has stories of spirits. Ghost stories are fundamental to the human matrix and have been used as teaching tools for the young and as gen-
eral sources of wisdom for everyone else.
#7. Can popular ghost stories have the power to reflect society’s views on
things like death, behavior, etc.?
Oh yes for example La Llorona, the legend of the woman who murdered her two chil-
dren in an arroyo and wonders the banks, crying out for them. This exemplifies this. The legend is used as a teaching tool for children to avoid dangerous situations.
#8. Do you think that if we talk about ghost stories as folklore, we deny that they
may be actual experiences?
Yes, in any one of my books you will read first hand accounts of individuals that I have
interviewed who have all encountered entities. These are not folktales or legends but
actual present day experiences and sightings making them harder to disprove.
#9. Why is it important to take ghost stories seriously?
Because literally, millions of people throughout the world have had, and continue hav-
ing, similar encounters. Research is ongoing on this phenomenon, including at the Uni-
versity of New Mexico, I know of a professor pursuing a Doctorate on this very topic.
#10. Have you had your own experiences? Can you describe an incident and
what you learned from it?
I have had many throughout my life, and continue to this present day. To single out
one would be a disservice to all the others. I’ve walked into haunted houses, hotels,
hospitals, restaurants and nursing homes. I’ve investigated and interviewed Native
Americans in the five southwestern states which I cover in my book, American Indian Ghost Stories and I have stories of personal encounters of my own to tell. Each experience has enriched my life as you can imagine. Interviewing the many individuals for my books has presented me with further proof that life after death exists. Ultimately, what I’ve learned is that I don’t believe in ghost, I KNOW ghost exist.